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I am just aware that the speed limit at Kuching town area is 70km/hr after a summon was issued to Siong through the post .The compound fee stated in the summon is RM300 for exceeding 27km/hr along Jalan Tun Jugah, Kuching. This speed limit can be easily exceeded when you are driving down the flyover.

By hook or by crook, I have to work out with a letter in Malay to appeal for penalty reduction. The letter was sent personally to Ketua Polis Daerah Kuching, Simpang tiga. We have no chance to meet the officer in charge to negotiate on the compound fee. We pass the letter to the secretary/clerk there and she asked us to come again the following day to check on the discount rate. Thank God that the Ketua police reduced the penalty to a more reasonable fee--RM150. (The max discount is 50%)

Many drivers in Malaysia are more likely to think they can drive safely while speeding as long as they won’t get caught.
I think that the speed limit is not really set for safety purpose but more to political or other purpose...

A message to all especially to those who habitually speed..
The police is aways ready with the camera and waiting for chances to flash those who is flouting the rules. Staying within the speed limit to save your money at this tight economic situation. Furthermore, speeding becomes a threat to our safety. So, why speed?


Michelle said...

hi margaret! i saw the police at Jln Tun Jugah few months back too. By the time i saw the police, i hit the brake, but i guess it's still more than 70km/hr. I hope NOT to receive any 'love letter' from them...

Margaret said...

The letter will be deliverd to your house in one to two months time if you are this means that you are either lucky enough for not being caught or you are driving within limit.

Louis said...

margaret...u were tracked by the police doing 97km/h not 27km/h leh.
didn't know that you are a speed demon too. :P

Margaret said...

Hi Louis.What I meant is exceeding speed limit by 27km/h (97-70). Btw, the culprit is Siong..I am the fast and generally typical drivers..:(

Louis said...

hahaha...siong siong, shouldn't drive that fast along that stretch. police always pasang speed cameras.

Anonymous said...

I guess the increase in saman ekor activity is because of economic reason mah. More saman means more income for government and educate people to drive slowly as well. As for me, I become sleepy when I drive below 80kmph so it's difficult to always remember to drive below speed limit at times.