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Financial education..

It was my payday last friday and I feel painful when I see the hard earned money direct debited to settle for mortgage loan and other monthly commited expenses such as insurance coverage. It is normal for ordianary people like me who barely survive with the current salary to take a part time job. One of the undeniable reason is to earn a little extra to accumulate capital for investment. Despite the economic crisis, it is a good time to invest in financial education now as it acquire skills to generate handsome amount of passive income. I am willing to pay the price to make sure I achieve my own finanicial goal. There are many good persoanl finance books in the markets which is worth reading but I am still seeking for one that can help me to become a well-rounded person, develop skills that will indirectly aid my personal finances as I know wealth is about more than money alone.

Please recommend and share with me if you have read any good persoanl finance book.


Michelle said...

Hi Margaret, I especially like Dr Jeffrey Chiew, The Millionaire Formula. I think it is very applicable to us, the financial planning Malaysian style. Of course, there are tonnes of information and articles you can read online. Do visit as well. This site provide me with a lot FREE financial education. You have any books or articles? Share with me too :)

Margaret said...

Thanks Yan for always providing me useful resources. I am planning to visit bookstore this weekend. share with you if I buy any. Thanks a lot again!

Mrcoolku said...

Smart Couple Finish Rich
The Millionaire Next Door
Rich Dad series of book

These book are not teaching you how to make more money but change your perception in financial view. It is never too late to start.

andy mindfinance said...

I recommend you to read.. The Richest Man in Babylon, although it is written in sort of ancient language, sometimes, pretty tough for us to understand it. The content will really shed some lights into financial management.